Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Miss Piggy denies she and Matt Lauer had anything to do with swine flu

Miss Piggy's role as the only known English speaking pig became an unenviable one this week as a shadow was cast across the swine world after a swine flu outbreak. Most shockingly, Miss Piggy recently kissed Matt Lauer on national TV, and pig-kissing is the surest way to get the swine flu. Lauer and Piggy both deny any involvement, with Lauer's people trying to justify the move by claiming Piggy "isn't a real pig". Miss Piggy's people replied to the statement in a brief email that simply read, "Matt certainly seemed to think she was real when he called her 31 times after the taping."
Most epidemic experts believe that a Mexican pig was responsible for the outbreak. They have determined this by interviewing other Mexican pigs, and they keep pointing at one pig in particular. Most epidemic experts also caution that you should take their findings with a grain of salt, because technically most epidemic experts are dead.

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