1) Anatomically-Correct-Asian-Bear-Squirrel: The costume does all the work, it's just up to you to maintain the pose.
2) Cornucopia Of Awesomeness : Because you're NOT just another guy who loves his music and guns.
3) Walk A Mile In My Boots: Just be prepared to say "No, I'm not really him" for most of the night.
4) Silly Kitty: Our only recommendation on this one is that you forgo the hand puppet part--it's way too distracting.
5) 100% Real Man: Think William Wallace meets Spartacus.
6) Livin' The Dream: People will love it, and say things like, "The two of you are up to no good!"
7) We Know It's You, Steve: If you have a dog, send him as you. They'll never know.