Friday, March 20, 2009

Inflation forecast sends pants makers scrambling for bigger and better pockets

In ten years, economists predict, a cup of coffee will cost between $35,000 and $40,000. A bag of chips? $17,000. A new car will run between $1-$3,000,000. The consequences of such unprecedented inflation is obvious: where will we carry all that cash? This thought is keeping pants makers up at night as they explore new and innovative pockets that will allow for greater storage. As pants are constituted today, the average American will find that their money will be blowing freely from their current pockets, and will be too worthless to stop and pick up. Calvin Klein is working on a line of jeans called "Poketz", which will be mostly pocket. Jerry Klein, from the National Institute of Pants, says that "Pants as we know them are finished. In ten years you won't even recognize pants. People will be so weighed down with their spending money that the notion of pants as a stylish accoutrement will be absurd; it will all be about functionality. People will demand more pockets, extra pockets, pockets, pockets, pockets."

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